Shin Megami Tensei V ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK真・女神転生V オリジナル・サウンドトラックShin Megami Tensei V ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK



Track List

Disc 1 [LNCM-1377]

  1. 1 - Ephemeralうたかた (2:08)
  2. 2 - Circle円環 (2:05)
  3. 3 - Daily Life日常 (1:07)
  4. 4 - Jouin High School縄印学園高等科 (3:13)
  5. 5 - Tokyo -Daybreak-東京 -黎明- (4:17)
  6. 6 - Takanawa Tunnel高輪トンネル (0:49)
  7. 7 - Spiral螺旋 (3:18)
  8. 8 - Another World異界 (0:56)
  9. 9 - If You Wish to Live, Take My Hand死にたくなければ手を取れ (1:01)
  10. 10 - Nahobinoナホビノ (4:26)
  11. 11 - Battle -humans, demons, and...-Battle -humans, demons, and...- (3:17)
  12. 12 - It Seems the Knowledge is in Control意識は知恵である君の領域のようだ (1:54)
  13. 13 - Da'at: takanawaDa'at: takanawa (1:42)
  14. 14 - Cadaver's Hollow骸の隠れ家 (3:28)
  15. 15 - Leyline Fount龍穴 (1:31)
  16. 16 - Talk -Da'at-Talk -Da'at- (1:24)
  17. 17 - Battle -Da'at-Battle -Da'at- (4:00)
  18. 18 - A Rain of Light and Shadow注がれる光と陰 (1:38)
  19. 19 - Tension緊迫 (1:37)
  20. 20 - Amanozakoアマノザコ (2:26)
  21. 21 - World of Shadows邪教の世界 (3:12)
  22. 22 - Thou Shalt Play汝が奏でよ (0:44)
  23. 23 - Battle -Magatsuka-Battle -Magatsuka- (2:53)
  24. 24 - Doubt疑念 (1:38)
  25. 25 - Da'at: tamachiDa'at: tamachi (6:49)
  26. 26 - Quest -gentle-Quest -gentle- (1:29)
  27. 27 - Quest -oasis-Quest -oasis- (1:29)
  28. 28 - Lord of Chaos混沌の首魁 (1:50)

Disc 2 [LNCM-1378]

  1. 1 - Those with Power力在る者 (1:42)
  2. 2 - Battle -ferocity-Battle -ferocity- (3:13)
  3. 3 - Zen (2:41)
  4. 4 - Da'at: west shinbashiDa'at: nishi-shinbashi (3:36)
  5. 5 - Quest -blindly-Quest -blindly- (1:48)
  6. 6 - Quest -elegy-Quest -elegy- (1:49)
  7. 7 - Quest -raid-Quest -raid- (1:58)
  8. 8 - Battle -clash of the mighty-Battle -ryu ko so haku- (3:23)
  9. 9 - Quest -fate-Quest -fate- (1:44)
  10. 10 - Da'at: tokyo diet buildingDa'at: tokyo gijidou (4:02)
  11. 11 - Yakumo八雲 (1:30)
  12. 12 - Reunion and Encounter再会と邂逅 (0:57)
  13. 13 - Archangel Abdiel大天使アブディエル (1:58)
  14. 14 - Koshimizu越水 (3:05)
  15. 15 - Ordinary Life当たり前の生活 (1:07)
  16. 16 - Tokyo -Impatience-東京 -焦燥- (2:03)
  17. 17 - Battle -strength-Battle -strength- (5:26)
  18. 18 - Jouin High School -Other World-: Front Gate縄印学園高等科 -異界- : 正門 (1:43)
  19. 19 - Jouin High School -Other World-: Inside縄印学園高等科 -異界- : 校舎内 (4:54)
  20. 20 - Hayataroハヤタロウ (2:34)
  21. 21 - Sahoriサホリ (1:59)

Disc 3 [LNCM-1379]

  1. 1 - Da'at: tennozuDa'at: tennoz (6:08)
  2. 2 - Quest -surreal-Quest -surreal- (1:59)
  3. 3 - Quest -suspicious-Quest -suspicious- (1:25)
  4. 4 - Battle -droll-Battle -droll- (2:47)
  5. 5 - Da'at: konanDa'at: konan (4:51)
  6. 6 - Battle -origin-Battle -origin- (2:40)
  7. 7 - Da'at: shinagawa stationDa'at: shinagawa station (3:45)
  8. 8 - Quest -grave-Quest -grave- (2:04)
  9. 9 - Imminent Threat迫り来る脅威 (0:37)
  10. 10 - Battle -seeker-Battle -seeker- (2:57)
  11. 11 - Quest -LMs-Quest -LMs'- (1:59)
  12. 12 - Quest -fertility-Quest -fertility- (2:41)
  13. 13 - Fairy Village妖精の集落 (5:08)
  14. 14 - Tremble as You Face Doom震えながら逝くがいい (1:43)
  15. 15 - Taoタオ (1:57)
  16. 16 - Those Who Weren't Saved救えなかったもの (0:55)
  17. 17 - Da'at: ginzaDa'at: ginza (4:57)
  18. 18 - Quest -queen-Quest -queen- (1:33)
  19. 19 - Quest -archaic-Quest -archaic- (2:53)
  20. 20 - Quest -dainty-Quest -dainty- (1:22)
  21. 21 - World of Shadows -Shining Bright, or Death's Shadow-邪教の世界 – 煌々たる光、或いは死の影 (2:55)
  22. 22 - Da'at: kandaDa'at: kanda (2:05)
  23. 23 - Da'at: tokyo stationDa'at: tokyo station (2:48)
  24. 24 - Battle -dancing crazy murder-Battle -dancing crazy murder- (4:30)

Disc 4 [LNCM-1380]

  1. 1 - Demon King's Castle魔王城 (4:37)
  2. 2 - Battle -edifice-Battle -edifice- (3:09)
  3. 3 - Talk -edifice-Talk -edifice- (1:33)
  4. 4 - Da'at: odaibaDa'at: odaiba (4:23)
  5. 5 - Battle -Mitama-Battle -Mitama- (2:44)
  6. 6 - Tsukuyomiツクヨミ (2:51)
  7. 7 - Pandemonic Summit万魔会談 (1:52)
  8. 8 - Collapse of Order秩序の崩壊 (0:43)
  9. 9 - Those With Knowledge知恵を持つ者 (1:35)
  10. 10 - Abdiel and Ichiroアブディエルとイチロウ (0:53)
  11. 11 - Tokyo -Twilight-東京 -黄昏- (2:47)
  12. 12 - Goddess女神 (2:00)
  13. 13 - Da'at: uenoDa'at: ueno (7:22)
  14. 14 - Quest -order-Quest -order- (2:19)
  15. 15 - Quest -disorder-Quest -disorder- (2:33)
  16. 16 - Battle -destruction-Battle -destruction- (4:49)
  17. 17 - The Only Righteous Path唯一の正しい道 (1:31)
  18. 18 - Temple of Eternity万古の神殿 (6:32)
  19. 19 - Battle -seraph-Battle -seraph- (4:51)
  20. 20 - Falling from Grace堕天 (1:09)
  21. 21 - He Who Fought the Forces of Chaos and Order秩序と混沌の狭間を戦い抜いた者 (2:25)

Disc 5 [LNCM-1381]

  1. 1 - Empyrean至高天 (4:08)
  2. 2 - Unavoidable Battle I避けられぬ闘諍 I (1:21)
  3. 3 - Yakumo's End八雲の最期 (1:44)
  4. 4 - Battle -Abdiel-Battle -Abdiel- (6:03)
  5. 5 - Unavoidable Battle II避けられぬ闘諍 II (1:16)
  6. 6 - Abdiel's Endアブディエルの最期 (1:07)
  7. 7 - Battle -Tsukuyomi-Battle -Tsukuyomi- (4:33)
  8. 8 - Tsukuyomi's Endツクヨミの最期 (1:23)
  9. 9 - Incompatible Beings相容れぬ者たち (1:04)
  10. 10 - Battle -Nuwa-Battle -Nuwa- (6:28)
  11. 11 - Dissipation消失 (0:24)
  12. 12 - New Ruler新たな王 (2:52)
  13. 13 - Battle -eon-Battle -eon- (9:23)
  14. 14 - I Entrust the World to You世界を、頼む (1:42)
  15. 15 - Shin Megami Tensei V Main Theme真・女神転生V メイン・テーマ (5:46)
  16. 16 - The World of Humanity人の世 (1:37)
  17. 17 - Quest -tension-Quest -tension- (2:22)
  18. 18 - Battle -addition-Battle -addition- (3:10)
  19. 19 - Quest -Fiend-Quest -Fiend- (1:52)
  20. 20 - Battle -Fiend-Battle -Fiend- (4:16)
  21. 21 - Hall of Chaos (Shin Megami Tensei III-Nocturne "Title Loop 1")混沌の間 (真・女神転生III-NOCTURNE「タイトルループ1」) (2:38)
  22. 22 - Quest -Demi-fiend-Quest -Demi-fiend- (0:56)
  23. 23 - Battle -Demi-fiend-Battle -Demi-fiend- (6:33)